Tag Archives: Bel La Beans

I’m Back!

26 Apr

Hello, world!
I’ve made another big mistake that must have made visitors go, “Where did she disappear to?”

My bad. 😦

My “visibility” mode was set to “private” – which basically means that I couldn’t even display the posts I wrote about every two to three days. Eek, I guess I still don’t really know how to operate my blog well enough.
At least I found out soon enough! I’ll be publishing all of those poor hidden posts today so please keep visiting my blog. 🙂

Right now, I am – yes, you guessed it – enjoying my cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie and a smoke ham sandwich. I am such a big eater.

The bus monitor forgot to wake me up at my stop so I had to walk all the way back (in the rain) to where I originally got off. I got a little lazy to go up another hill to where I live, so I decided to go straight to Bel La Beans Coffee.

The best part: I’m planning to just sit here and blog, blog, blog. I (surprisingly!) don’t have any homework due tomorrow because I finished them yesterday and during free time at school. I am quite happy to start off a week very productively; usually, I freak out after finding out that I haven’t got much time left until the assignment is due.
This is a special treat for me – I hope I continue to use my time wisely.

Photo via Picture Post

Bel La Beans Coffee

10 Apr

I am currently writing this blog entry as I sip on a vanilla latte at Bel La Beans Coffee – I should be reading Things Fall Apart but I’ve been wanting to write a post about this for quite a while – an awesome coffee shop I recently found near my house. It is located right behind a bus stop – I randomly came across the coffee shop as I got off. I was lazy to walk all they way to the other side to Starbucks, so I boldly entered the cafe, praying to God that the coffee wouldn’t be any pricier than Starbucks’.

Surprisingly, the cafe latte was only 3800 won and they even gave me a stamp card. 🙂

Given that the brand is relatively new, the coffee was pretty good and the place itself was nice and cozy (although the music is sometimes a little loud).

What do you call these? These cool buzzers that glow and vibrate when your drink/food comes out play quite a role in keeping the peace here. The staff working here don’t have to yell 24/7 at the customers to come pick up their drink/food.

My mom and sister also seem to approve of this place – they especially liked the smoke ham sandwich here.

I’ve studied here to prepare for quizzes and tests, work on group projects – just about anything that requires concentration – and it has indeed been proved effective. 🙂

Oh! Check this out – they actually care to design the surface of the coffee with milk 🙂

I drank a little bit and ruined the herb-like plant design.

Sorry Starbucks, I still love you, but Bel La Beans is cozier, quieter, cheaper, and closer. Nevertheless, I’ll visit you every now and then.

Photo via Bravo My Life and Bel La Beans