Summer 2010

15 May

June is inching closer!

I cannot wait until summer break!
Now I don’t like mosquito bites, cicadas, and paying 500 won more for ice coffee, but there are still tons to love about summer.

I’ll list a few below…

1. No school – duh!
Isn’t it obvious? No more all-nighters, waking up at 4 in the morning to finish the homework I couldn’t finish the night before, no more sacrificed lunches, no more Powerschool, no more fights over the printer, no more Apple Remote Desktop! Can you think of anything else? Comment below!

2. My birthday!
I don’t have any specific plans as of yet, and for some strange reason, I’m not expecting much. I mean, I’m excited to celebrate it with family and friends, but there’s nothing much I particularly want. I’ve already received so much from my family and friends throughout the year; it would almost make me feel guilty if I asked for more. But hey, gifts and pleasant surprises don’t hurt. It’s June 23rd, by the way! 🙂 No pressure.

3. Grandpa’s birthday!
The biggest family event of the summer would probably be my grandpa’s birthday. This July, he’ll be turning ninety years old – can you believe it? My mom is planning a huge birthday party for my grandpa, and I will be making an awesome iMovie to showcase at the party. I’m determined to make this party a memorable one for my favorite relative.
I hope everything goes well!

4. SAT hagwon
Okay, SAT isn’t fun, but I’ll be seeing a lot of my school friends there. How do you enjoy summer without your friends? I’ll also have to make sure I work productively over the summer and show some progress!

5. Global journalism camp
My friend Jung invited me to join him at the global journalism camp hosted by the Korea Herald. I don’t have much experience with journalism, so I think it’s a great chance for me to explore and discover new interests.

6. Yoga program
During breaks, I tend to procrastinate a lot. This means I wake up at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and roll around the house watching Grey’s Anatomy as I munch on junk food. I will force myself to wake up early and attend yoga classes so I don’t stiffen over the summer. I am blessed to have a sports center right in front of my house – it takes approximately 11 seconds to walk to Samsung Leports Center from my house!

Just looking over the list makes me feel happy and calm…until I see Animal Farm peacefully resting, untouched, next to my MacBook and realize there’s going to be a test on it. Wishful thinking.

Do you have any summer plans? Comment below!

3 Responses to “Summer 2010”

  1. sungwooc13 May 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm #

    nice post! hahahahah but you forgot the World Cup! I’ll be waking up at 3 to watch one of Korea’s games hahahah I’ll be going to SAT hagwon as well but will spend most of my summer practicing basketball hhaha

    • Diana May 15, 2010 at 8:33 pm #

      Right! The World Cup – I almost forgot. Thanks!
      Haha of course you’d be practicing basketball over the summer.
      I can’t wait until finals are over!

  2. ChristineC May 26, 2010 at 7:19 pm #

    Hey<3 I'm also going to hagwons… but I'm going to a camp in NY as well!! I'll make sure to get you a present 🙂

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